House Speaker Vote Updates: House Adjourns, 14th Vote Expected Tonight


House Speaker Vote Updates: House Adjourns, 14th Vote Expected Tonight

  • The U.S. House of Representatives is meeting for a fourth day to elect a new Speaker. So far, no nominee has reached the necessary votes in 13 different ballots this week.
  • The House adjourned before 4 p.m. and is expected to return tonight at 10.
  • GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy was widely expected to succeed Democrat Nancy Pelosi. While he has fallen short of the 218 votes needed all week, he made significant progress during voting Friday.
  • McCarthy continues facing pushback from members of the House Freedom Caucus. Fellow Republicans, such as Rep. Lauren Boebert and Rep. Matt Gaetz, have nominated a handful of challengers this week, including Rep. Byron Donalds, Rep. Jim Jordan and former President Donald Trump.
  • Meantime, none of the newly elected members of Congress have been sworn in due to the stalemate.

Live updates have ended.

McCarthy Confident to Have Votes by Tonight

Rep. Kevin McCarthy believes he will have gathered enough votes to be elected the next House Speaker by the time members of Congress reconvene Friday night.

"I think you saw we made some very good progress," the California Republican said to reporters after the House adjourned Friday afternoon. "We'll come back tonight and I believe at that time we'll have the votes to finish this once and for all."

McCarthy said he believes the negotiation process over the last several days helped break the deadlock and shift votes in his direction. Looking ahead, McCarthy said he thinks House Republicans are "going to be more effective, more efficient and definitely the government's going to be more accountable."

McCarthy's comments came minutes after a 13th round of voting on the Speakership failed to end with a consensus. McCarthy picked up new votes on Friday after some of the 20 GOP members who voted against him earlier this week flipped their votes for him. Even so, McCarthy still did not have the minimum number of votes needed to secure the position before the House voted to adjourn.

Members of Congress are scheduled to reconvene at 10 p.m. ET to resume voting.

"I will have the votes to finish this once and for all," McCarthy said. "It just reminds me of what my father always told me: It's not how you start, it's how you finish. And now we have to finish for the American public."

McCarthy, Greene Embrace After House Adjourns

After the House adjourned Friday afternoon, Rep. Kevin McCarthy put his arm around conservative ally Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene as they left the chamber.

Kevin McCarthy Hugs Marjorie Taylor Greene
U.S. House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) (L) embraces Rep.-elect Majorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) in the House Chamber during the fourth day of elections for Speaker of the House at the U.S. Capitol Building on... Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Greene said McCarthy has gained "lots of momentum" on the House floor during today's Speaker of the House vote.

In a tweet, Greene said the "GOP getting closer to electing Kevin McCarthy as Speaker" as he flipped 15 Republican holdouts to gain more votes.

She also credited some of McCarthy's success to the endorsement from former President Donald Trump.

Greene aligned with McCarthy ahead of the first Speaker vote. She has split with her usual allies in the Freedom Caucus like Reps. Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz.

Members Give Trone Standing Ovation After Vote

Democratic Representative David Trone of Maryland received a standing ovation on the House floor after he cast his vote for Speaker in the 13th round Friday.

Trone was absent at the first vote Friday because he underwent surgery. But he returned to the Capitol by 2 p.m. in time to cast his vote for New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries.

In his absence, Jeffries only received 211 votes, down one from the 212 he has received consistently since voting began three days ago. With Trone's vote, Jeffries was back to 212.

Donalds Says 'Significant' Progress Made

Republican Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida released a statement saying "significant" progress had been made in House Speaker negotiations.

He was among the alternative representatives nominated for Speaker during elections this week. Donalds flipped his own vote in support of Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California on Friday.

Donalds is one of the House Freedom Caucus members who voted against McCarthy's bid for speaker in the first several ballots this week.

Donalds said he has been working with McCarthy and other Republican colleagues "in good faith to ensure accountability, representation, and commitments from House leadership in the 118th Congress."

"The progress we've made is significant," Donalds said.

The Florida congressman said the ongoing debate is "a testament to how government should function" in the U.S. He expressed confidence that House Republicans will soon "get the ball over the finish line."

"The Speaker's Office must work for We The People, and I believe the concessions we've secured achieve this," he said. "Republicans are ready to govern and deliver results on behalf of our constituents and the nation."

House to Adjourn Until 10pm

The House will adjourn until 10 p.m. tonight, when a 14th round of voting is expected for U.S. House Speaker.

As of 3:40 p.m. ET, 220 Republicans voted to adjourn, while 212 Democrats voted against the motion. Republican Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana made the motion, after a 13th round of voting ended with no winner.

Two Republicans, Rep.-elect Wesley Hunt of Texas and Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado, left Washington, D.C. ahead of today's election for personal reasons. Both will reportedly return tonight to cast their votes for Rep. Kevin McCarthy.

House Votes on Motion to Adjourn

The House is currently holding a brief vote on whether to adjourn until later tonight.

Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana made the motion to adjourn until 10 p.m. Friday night ahead of what would be the 14th vote for House Speaker.

When the motion was made, there was a loud and unified "no" vote from the Democratic side.

Scalise then requested the yeas and nays be tallied.

McCarthy Gains Another Vote, Still Comes Up Short

Representative Kevin McCarthy of California gained one more vote during the 13th round of voting for the Speaker of the House.

The official results show McCarthy with 214 votes, just short of the votes needed to secure the Speakership.

Rep. Andy Harris flipped his vote to support McCarthy this round, while the other 14 Republicans who flipped for McCarthy last round continued to back the California representative.

There are still six GOP holdouts who cast their votes in this round to Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan.

Jordan was not officially nominated as a candidate for Speaker and his votes were tallied under the "other" category.

No nominee received the required amount of votes needed to become Speaker of the House.

Round 13 Tally:

  • Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California: 214 votes
  • Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York: 212 votes
  • Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio: 6 votes

Two McCarthy Supporters to Return to DC, Report

Two Republicans who left Washington, D.C. ahead of Friday's Speaker election will reportedly return to Capitol Hill tonight to cast their votes for Rep. Kevin McCarthy.

Both Rep.-elect Wesley Hunt of Texas and Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado supported McCarthy during the first few days of voting but left the nation's capital for personal reasons.

Buck was reportedly feeling ill on Thursday, but his office told Politico that he planned to return at some point on Friday. He was expected to be back on Capitol Hill by "this evening," according to NBC News.

Hunt's office released a statement Friday morning saying he was flying back to his home in Texas to be with his wife and son, who was born earlier this week. McCarthy told reporters Hunt would also be back on Capitol Hill to participate in forthcoming speaker votes by Friday evening, NBC News reported.

Republicans were deadlocked during the first three days of voting for the new House Speaker, but McCarthy appeared to be making progress Friday afternoon as several GOP holdouts flipped their votes for him. Those shifts left McCarthy just a few votes shy of the number he needs in order to secure the Speakership.

Gaetz Slams McCarthy for Squatting in Speaker Office

Ahead of the voting Friday, Florida Republican Matt Gaetz sent a second letter to the architect of the U.S. Capitol, accusing McCarthy of "squatting" in the House Speaker's office.

Since no Speaker has been elected, he asked the architect, J. Brett Blanton, why McCarthy is allowed to occupy the office.

"After 3 days of voting and 11 failed ballots, no member can lay claim to this office," Gaetz wrote. "My question remains: what is basis in law, House riue or precedent to allow someone who has placed second in three successive speaker elections to occupy the Speaker of the House Office, and how long will he remain there before he is considered a squatter?"

Gaetz is one of the GOP leading members of the House Freedom Caucus voting against McCarthy for Speaker.

Blanton has apparently not answered Gaetz's first letter, the representative said.

McCarthy Appears to Have Lost 13th Round

Rep. Kevin McCarthy appears to have lost the thirteenth round of voting for U.S. House Speaker.

The unofficial tally lists McCarthy with 214 votes and Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries behind him with 212.

Spartz Votes for McCarthy Again

Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz of Indiana again voted for Rep. Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker in Friday's 13th round of voting.

She also voted for the GOP leader in Friday's 12th round of voting, after voting "present" in rounds prior.

Rep. Andy Harris Flips to Support McCarthy

Rep. Kevin McCarthy has flipped another GOP holdout to earn another vote for House Speaker.

Representative-elect Andy Harris of Maryland changed his vote from Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio to McCarthy during the 13th round of voting Friday afternoon.

Harris is the 15th Republican vote McCarthy gained during the vote Friday.

Higgins McCarthy
U.S. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) talks to Rep.-elect Andy Harris (R-MD) in the House Chamber during the fourth day of elections for Speaker of the House at the U.S. Capitol Building on January... Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Round 13: The GOP Reps Voting Against McCarthy

The 13th round of voting is now underway.

Six Representatives, Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Bob Good (R-VA), Matt Rosendale (R-MT) and Rep.-elect Eli Crane (R-AZ), have so far voted for Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) as an alternative to Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy.

"The Speaker should be someone who 218 Republicans can trust to lead us," Good tweeted, moments before casting his vote for Jordan. "After 12 failed votes, it is clear that Kevin McCarthy is not that person."

McCarthy can only afford to lose four GOP votes. At this point, it seems he does not have the necessary votes for a thirteenth time.

Matt Gaetz Has 'Zero Trust' in Kevin McCarthy

House Freedom Caucus member Representative Matt Gaetz is steadfast in his opposition to Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker.

He told Fox News' Laura Ingraham Thursday night that McCarthy "sold shares of himself" to lobbyists during his years in leadership.

"I will not be voting for Kevin McCarthy," he said in a tweet. "I resent the extent to which he utilizes the lobbyists and special interests to dictate how political decisions, policy decisions, and leadership decisions are made."

He added that he and his allies "zero trust in [McCarthy]."

Despite the numerous concessions McCarthy has given to the GOP holdouts, Gaetz said that he wouldn't bet on his vote for McCarthy "under any circumstance."

Gaetz voted for for former President Donald Trump for Speaker during the votes Thursday. Trump has publicly backed McCarthy for Speaker.

"I think President Trump is wrong to the extent that he supports Kevin McCarthy," he said. "I'm gonna back Trump when he runs for re-election in 2024 but I'm not gonna back him on this play."

Gaetz nominated Republican Representative Jim Jordan, a McCarthy supporter, for Speaker on the 12th vote Friday.

No Pay for Committee Staffers Without Speaker by Jan. 13

House committee staff members could lose out on pay if a new Speaker is not chosen by January 13.

January 13 is when a new House Rules package must be adopted for staff pay to be processed, according to an internal memo from the House Administration Committee. Student loan repayments for committee staff will also be impacted if the House's new leadership is not in place by January 13.

The new House Rules package cannot be agreed upon until a Speaker is elected.

The internal memo began circulating among media outlets last week, before the first votes for the new House Speaker began. There was still no consensus by the end of the 12th round of voting on Friday afternoon.

McCarthy Falls Short With 213 Votes, Round 13 Begins

A new U.S. House Speaker has still not been elected after 12 rounds of voting this week.

The 12th round marked a major shift among the GOP, as Rep. Kevin McCarthy gained 14 votes from the previous round.

Seconds after the House Clerk announced the results of round 12, round 13 began. Rep. James Comer began this round by nominating Rep. Kevin McCarthy.

12th Round Final Tally:

  • Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California: 213 votes
  • Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York: 211 votes
  • Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio: 4 votes
  • Republican Rep. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma: 3 votes
  • 431 total votes

NOW: Waiting on Official Tally

We are waiting for the House Clerk to announce the official results of the 12th round of voting for U.S. House Speaker.

At this time, unofficial results show Rep. Kevin McCarthy with the most votes -- 214 -- which is not enough to secure the position. A 13th ballot would then be needed.

McCarthy on House Floor
US Republican Representative of California Kevin McCarthy (L) speaks with Representative of South Carolina, Ralph Norman, after the 12th vote for House Speaker at the US Capitol in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2023. OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images

McCarthy Holdout Shares Statement on Vote Flip

Republican Congressman-elect Keith Self of Texas released a statement explaining why he decided to flip his vote for Rep. Kevin McCarthy after voting against the California Republican during the first 11 rounds of voting.

Self said his vote "was to show support for significant Rule changes to transform the House from being dysfunctional to functional." He said the House appears to be "on the precipice" of shifting power from the House leadership to "individual members and the American people."

Self is one of 20 Republicans who voted against McCarthy's bid for Speaker during the first three days of votes. He and several others flipped their votes for McCarthy during the 12th vote on Friday, but McCarthy still had some holdouts in the Republican Party.

Self referred to those holdouts as "obstructionists" who are "more interested in self-promotion than restoring the Republic."

"I ran for Congress to be a voice and a vote for the people of the 3rd Congressional District of Texas," his statement said. "I appreciate all of the input that has been offered over the past few days and I am taking it into consideration as I continue to negotiate in good faith on your behalf."

McCarthy Gets 214 Votes, Still Comes Up Short

A 12th round of voting for U.S. House Speaker has just ended -- with Rep. Kevin McCarthy receiving the most votes for the first time this week. The unofficial results show McCarthy with 214 votes, a major shift from the 11th round where he received 200. However, it still falls short of the necessary votes.

Thirteen GOP rebels, who previously voted for another Republican nominee, flipped their votes to McCarthy Friday. Rep. Victoria Spartz also changed her vote to McCarthy, from voting "present" in previous days.

Still, no nominee has received the required amount of votes and it appears a 13th vote will be needed.

Round 12 Tally:

  • Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California: 214 votes
  • Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York: 211 votes
  • Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio: 4 votes
  • Republican Rep. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma: 3 votes

Rep. Spartz Backs McCarthy After 'Present' Votes

Representative Victoria Spartz of Indiana has changed her vote to support Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker in Friday's 12th round of voting.

Spartz voted "present" for the last several votes, including all votes on Thursday. She initially voted for McCarthy, but switched her vote after he failed to garner support from GOP holdouts.

It was not clear what her vote would be going into the 12th vote Friday.

Rep. Victoria Spartz at DC press conference
U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN) speaks at a news conference on Russia's invasion of Ukraine at the U.S. Capitol on March 2, 2022 in Washington, D.C. Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Chances of GOP Consensus Today 'Low,' Report

The chances that Republican members of Congress will decide on a new House speaker on Friday are "low," according to a House GOP insider.

An unnamed person with knowledge about ongoing GOP negotiations told Fox News there likely had not been enough movement between Thursday and Friday to net Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California the votes he needs to secure the speakership.

Members of Congress are "starting to get antsy," the GOP insider told Fox News, and while they said there has been progress, "I don't know that it's changed any votes yet."

That prediction initially appeared to be the case as the House began its 12th round of voting shortly after noon on Friday. Two other Republicans—Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Rep. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma—were nominated alongside McCarthy, and Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, who has led in the voting thus far, was again nominated.

But as voting was underway, it did appear that something had shifted. At least 11 members who initially opposed McCarthy's bid for speaker flipped their vote to McCarthy before the 12th round of voting was complete.

GOP Rebels Flip Votes for McCarthy

Thirteen Republican holdouts have flipped their votes to back Representative Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker.

Representatives Dan Bishop of North Carolina, Josh Brecheen of Oklahoma, Michael Cloud of Texas, Andrew Clyde of Georgia, Ralph Norman of South Carolina, House Freedom Caucus Chair Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Chip Roy of Texas, Keith Self of Texas, Paul Gossar of Arizona all voted for McCarthy in the 12th Speaker vote, the first of the day Friday.

Rep. Bryon Donalds of Florida also voted for McCarthy Friday. Donalds was one of the alternative candidates for Speaker who received several votes from GOP rebels in previous votes this week.

Florida Representative Anna Paulina Luna, Illinois Representative Mary Miller and Tennessee Representative Andy Ogles also flipped their votes for McCarthy, citing "negotiations."

These representatives were part of the 20-member block of GOP rebels who consistently voted against McCarthy in favor of another alternative.

While these additions help McCarthy, he is still not expected to have all the necessary votes to become Speaker of the House Friday.

Voting Has Started

The 12th round of voting has started.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) again nominated Rep. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma for House Speaker.

Prior to Boebert, Rep. Matt Gaetz nominated Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio.

Both Boebert and Gaetz are members of the House Freedom Caucus. The group continues supporting other Republicans for the position, taking votes away from Rep. Kevin McCarthy.

At Least One McCarthy Supporter Will Miss Today's Vote

Congressman-elect Wesley Hunt, a Republican who is backing Rep. Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker, will not be present for Friday's vote.

Hunt is returning to be with his family in Texas, as his wife just gave birth.

A statement released by Hunt's office acknowledged it has been a "challenging week" for the American people. Hunt said it has also been a tough week for his family.

"A few days ago, my wife Emily gave birth to our son Willie, who was born premature and spent time in the neonatal intensive care unit," Hunt said.

"Our baby boy is otherwise healthy, but there have been some medical concerns that need to be resolved. Emily had to return to the hospital due to complications, but it's not life threatening," his statement continued. "Willie needs his father and Emily needs her husband. Today, I'll be returning home to hold my son and be at my wife's side. It's my intention to get back into the fight as soon as possible."

His absence is of note as McCarthy can only afford to lose four GOP votes. So far, he's received no more than 203 in 11 rounds of voting.

McCarthy also continues facing pushback from 20 members of the House Freedom Caucus who have put forth other Republican challengers and taken votes away from the GOP leader.

Two other McCarthy supporters also expressed interest in leaving Capitol Hill ahead of Friday's vote, according to Politico. Rep. Roger Williams of Texas wanted to return home to address a family medical emergency, and Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado was feeling ill on Thursday.

Quorum Established, 275 Members Present

The House Clerk has determined that a quorum is present, with 275 members in attendance. The House can proceed with voting for a new Speaker.

Friday's session began with Rep. Mike Garcia (R-CA) nominating fellow California Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy for the Speakership.

SOON: Voting to Resume for Fourth Day

The U.S. House of Representatives will meet momentarily to attempt to elect a new Speaker for the fourth day.

No nominee, notably Rep. Kevin McCarthy, has received the necessary votes to secure the position in 11 different ballots this week.

The House is set to reconvene at noon, watch live here.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

About the writer


Meghan Roos is a Newsweek reporter based in Southern California. Her focus is reporting on breaking news for Newsweek's Live ... Read more

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