Sharon Begley

The Thinking Person's Guide to Easing Tourette's

Add Tourette syndrome to the list of psychiatric and neurological disorders that you may be able to think your way out of.That is only a slight exaggeration, but then emphasis is on "slight." The recognition that mental illnesses are biological diseases of the brain is a welcome change from the medieval notion that they are evidence of witchcraft, demonic possession, "refrigerator mothers," and the like, but the conclusion that scientists leapt to—that the only effective treatments for...

Why DNA Doesn't Always Predict Disease

The latest research to throw cold water on the crystal-ball powers of DNA is a paper in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. It starts out as a standard genomewide association study (GWAS) in which scientists sequence genomes of people with and without particular diseases and identify genetic variants associated with those illnesses.

Louisiana Considers Bill to Restrict Lawsuits

Just as Louisiana politicians are about to get an up-close-and-personal look at the BP oil spill (it is approaching the shores an hour's drive from Baton Rouge, the state capital), they are considering a bill to "kneecap" all university environmental-law clinics in the state, which have led the way in challenging the historically cozy relationship between state politicians and the petrochemical industry.

Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet

Bill McKibben doesn't pretend that if we can just rein in our greenhouse-gas emissions everything will be fine. Government actions are so far short of what's needed to avert catastrophic climate change, he says, as to warrant a "don't bother." The message runs counter to that of virtually every green group, which lobbies for both individual action and government policy to control greenhouse emissions.

Fat DNA Is Not Destiny

It was enough to make people who believe they have "fat genes" give up. Among 438 adolescents who carry a form of the gene called FTO (fat mass- and obesity-associated) linked to obesity, there was no effect of physical activity on body mass index, found a 2009 study that followed them from infancy to age 15: teens who carry the obesity form of the FTO gene and exercised were no less obese than teens who carry the gene and were couch potatoes.
