Andrew Romano

McCain Hits the Home Stretch

With only 72 hours to go, Stumper will periodically highlight "on the trail" dispatches from my fellow NEWSWEEK bloggers Holly Bailey and Richard Wolffe, who will be traveling with McCain and Obama (respectively) through Election Night. Here's Holly on McCain's final countdown:

Mixed Messages on the McCain Ground Game

Everyone knows that Barack Obama has built an unprecedented Democratic field organization this election cycle. But the big question as Nov. 4 approaches is how well McCain--who trails by massive margins in the money race and has invested far fewer resources in field offices and get-out-the-vote efforts--will be able to mobilize his voters.

The Filter: Oct. 31, 2008... Halloween Edition

A round-up of this morning's must-read stories. WHICH OBAMA WOULD AMERICA GET? (Stuart Taylor, National Journal) The first Obama has sometimes seemed eager to engineer what he called "redistribution of wealth" in a 2001 radio interview, along with the more conventional protectionism, job preferences, and other liberal Democratic dogmas featured in his campaign.

Joe the No-Show

From John McCain's rally this morning in Defiance, Ohio: [youtube:j1TT7gt5F0w] Where was Joe, you ask? Perhaps he was meeting with his new, Nashville-based manager, Jim Della Croce.

What's Next? A Black Cat?

Over at Sprint to the Oval, my NEWSWEEK colleague Holly Bailey has some ominous color from the McCain caravan. Sign of trouble? Or mere coincidence? We report, you decide: If a reporter wanted to craft a dire lede about the final days of John McCain's campaign, the signs are coming in droves—although it's something more akin to a satirical movie like "Airplane!" or "Hot Shots." It all started on Monday, when McCain's motorcade had to pull over almost immediately upon arrival in Fayetteville,...

The Khalidi Connection

Posting over at her new Sprint to the Oval blog, my NEWSWEEK colleague Holly Bailey reports on the McCain campaign's outrage du jour--i.e., demanding that the Los Angeles Times release a video (mentioned in its own pages last April) that captures Obama's remarks at a 2003 banquet honoring Rashid Khalidi, a Columbia University professor and Palestinian scholar who has been critical of Israel.

An Obama Landslide? Watch These States.

Call them the Icing States. The candidates aren't visiting. The reporters aren't calling. And the rest of the country barely knows they exist. With six days until Nov. 4, the political world is focusing on traditional battlegrounds like Florida, where both Barack Obama and John McCain are campaigning today—and understandably so.

FINEMAN: About Those 'Tightening' Polls...

Over at "Race to the Finish," my fellow NEWSWEEK blogger Howard Fineman takes a look at the latest "traditional" Gallup tracking poll--which shows "Obama lead[ing] McCain by only two percentage points, 49 to 47 percent"--and explains why we still have a battle on our hands:By all accounts and by all odds, Obama is fairly comfortably ahead in the Electoral College—which, as Al Gore will tell you, is what matters.On TV Wednesday night, Obama will give what one aide described to me as a "meaty"...

The Filter: Oct. 29, 2008

A round-up of this morning's must-read stories.HOW JOHN MCCAIN RAN AGAINST HIMSELF(Walter Shapiro, Salon)Just over the horizon lies an alternate universe in which John McCain is locked in a tense nail-biter of a presidential race with Barack Obama, one in which the polls gyrate daily and "too close to call" describes most of the contested political landscape...

The Cold Shoulder

Spotted this morning on the I-95 overpass outside Obama's windy, rainy, 45-degree rally in Chester, Penn.:  GREENPEACE VOLUNTEERS:  [Shivering, dripping, rubbing hands together] STUMPER: Have you won any converts?  GREENPEACE VOLUNTEERS: Not really. STUMPER: Perhaps you should try "Increase Global Warming" instead. GREENPEACE VOLUNTEERS: [Silence, more shivering]  

What If Ridge Were on the Ticket?

(Mary Altaffer / AP Photo) As longtime Stumper readers will recall, I suffered this past summer from an affliction that could only be described as Ridgemania--that is, the feverish belief that John McCain would be best served choosing former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge as his running mate, despite Ridge's pro-choice views.Now it looks like someone agrees with my previous arguments.

The Filter: Oct. 28, 2008

A round-up of this morning's must-read stories. ONE WEEK(Barack Obama)After decades of broken politics in Washington, eight years of failed policies from George Bush, and twenty-one months of a campaign that has taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are one week away from change in America.

Barack the Redistributor!

Today in Cleveland, John McCain made an interesting comment: "That's what change means for the Obama administration. They're redistributing. It means taking your money and giving it to someone else." This is interesting for two reasons.

Will America Vote Against a 'Dangerous Threesome'?

(Stephan Savoia / AP)Speaking this morning in Cleveland, Ohio, John McCain sharpened an argument that has emerged in recent days as a central element of the GOP's case against Barack Obama: that electing him president would give Democrats--or, more ominously, "liberals"--complete control over Washington. "This election comes down to how you want your hard earned money spent," he said. "Do you want to keep it and invest it in your future, or have it taken by the most liberal person to ever run...

The Filter: Oct. 27, 2008

A round-up of this morning's must-read stories.CEDING THE CENTER(David Brooks, New York Times)McCain shares the progressive conservative instinct. He has shown his sympathy with the striving immigrant and his disgust with the colluding corporatist.

The "B" Hoax

Funny how a quickly a non-story can become a story. When reports first surfaced yesterday--and by "surfaced" I mean "appeared atop the all-powerful Drudge Report"--that a " 6'4", 200-lb African-American male" in "dark clothing" punched, kicked and scratched a "B" (apparently for "Barack") into the face of the woman he was mugging outside a Pittsburgh ATM after he spotting a McCain bumper sticker on her car, I made a conscious decision not to comment.
