Internet Disgusted as Man Reveals Roommate's Grooming Habits: "Gagging"

A Redditor left readers "gagging" after sharing the tale of his roommate's hygiene habits—or lack thereof.

In a post on the AITA (Am I The A******?) subreddit, the 26-year-old man posting under the name u/Euphoric-Ad250 explained that he's increasingly had to ask his roommate to shower because he's "noticed a funk coming off of him." The roommate, 24, said that he had "a lessened sense of smell" and didn't always realize when he needed a shower.

While it seemed like the problem was solved, the Redditor found out that things were far worse than he could have ever imagined. He discovered while making conversation about bidets that his roommate doesn't use toilet paper. Ever.

Reddit toilet paper discussion
A stock image of a man holding his nose because of a bad smell. Inset: an empty toilet paper roll. A Reddit user has explained why he has banned his roommate from sitting on his... AndreyPopov / andriano_cz/Getty

"Something clicked in my head, and I asked him for clarification," the horrified Redditor wrote. "Apparently he never wipes. He says he thinks it's gross to 'rub [his] a** with a piece of paper that doesn't really do anything.' He said no straight guy does, and it's not a big deal.

"I asked what he does if he eats taco bell or something, and he said he just takes a shower. I asked what if he's in a public bathroom. He says he waits until he gets home. I then asked if he washes his butt in the shower and he said that the soap from his back drips down and takes care of it."

Grossed out, the Redditor told his roommate that "he can't sit on any of the furniture I pay for (which is most of it) until he wipes and washes his crusty a**." After that, the roommate made a derogatory comment about his sexuality and stormed out of the apartment.

Newsweek reached out to a hygiene expert to find out more about the risks involved with not wiping after using the toilet.

"People around the world use a variety of methods for anal cleansing, including water, paper, or other solid materials such as stones. Not practicing any method of anal cleansing after defecation can leave a large number of feces around the anus," Dr. Ian Ross, an assistant professor in health economics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine told Newsweek.

"This increases the chance of a person's hands coming into contact with their feces, especially if they subsequently touch or itch their anus or the area around it," he said. "This may increase the risk of transmission, to other people, of one of the many pathogens which cause diarrhea or vomiting."

Over 1,000 users commented on the AITA thread and the top comment alone has 16,400 upvotes.

"Y-T-A (You're The A******) for making me read this and question my faith in humanity," the comment said. NTA (Not The A****) though. Get a new roommate, hire a biohazard team to come in, set the place on fire, and report a complaint to the Geneva convention."

Another person wrote: "This is about the millionth story I've encountered on Reddit about men who refuse to wash their a****, I'm about to log off forever."

"Oh please. There is nothing masculine about completely neglecting your personal hygiene and using a homophobic slur to justify it. That is just a s***** person exhibiting toxic behavior. Has nothing to do with masculinity," commented another," a Redditor commented.

Newsweek reached out to u/Euphoric-Ad250 for comment. We could not verify the details of the case.

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About the writer

Lucy Notarantonio is Newsweek's Senior Lifestyle and Trends Reporter, based in Birmingham, UK. Her focus is trending stories and human ... Read more

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