Katie Baker

Why We Love Teen Musicals

There are many charming things about Glee, Fox TV's quirky new fall comedy about a troupe of high-school misfits with gorgeous voices and hearts of gold. There are the one-liners that cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester lobs like poisoned pom-poms at her colleagues.

Reconsidering Manual Labor

For years, American educators have been touting the rise of the "knowledge economy" and shifting focus away from the manual trades, encouraging teens onto the four-year college track in preparation for our supposedly postindustrial society.

Reza Aslan's "How to Win a Cosmic War"

In "How To Win a Cosmic War," Reza Aslan explains why George W. Bush's war-on-terror rhetoric played right into Al Qaeda's hands—and how Barack Obama might be the best weapon yet against global jihadism.The idea: Groups like Al Qaeda believe they're fighting a take-no-prisoners war between the forces of good and evil.

U.S. Military Adopts Green Initiatives

Remember when green evoked granola-munching, Birkenstock-clad activists hanging in Santa Cruz? Now even the Pentagon is getting its green on. The military is eagerly adopting energy-saving initiatives, installing wind turbines and solar-cell systems and investing in alternative fuels like geothermal power, according to the Center for American Progress.

Silver Is Set To Outperform Gold

Good old atomic number 79 has always been the safe haven of choice for skittish investors, but gold is about to get a run for its money. Despite the fact that the gold-to-silver ratio is at its highest point since 2004, New York-based hedge-fund adviser the Hennessee Group says silver is poised to outperform its glitzier counterpart.Even though silver initially suffered as the global financial crisis deepened and investors fled to gold and Treasuries— in 2008, gold gained about 6 percent;...

Robert Burns: A Poet For The Recession

Barack Obama's already picked a poet for his Inauguration—but considering the grim times, a reading of Robert Burns would be just as apt. The national bard of the Scots (they're celebrating his 250th birthday on Jan. 21), Burns is known as the "poet of the poor" for his chronicles of life among the country's farmers and wayfarers.

Clive James' "Opal Sunset": A Master Poet At Work

In Britain, Clive James is known as a jack of many trades: TV presenter, critic, radio host, novelist. He's also been churning out poems for the past 50 years, but by his own admission, the title of "proper professional poet" has been late in coming—his small gems overshadowed, no doubt, by his successful work in television and journalism.James's latest poetry collection, "Opal Sunset," will surely change that.

Worth Your Time: Clive James as Poet

In Britain, Clive James is known as a Union Jack of all trades: TV presenter, critic, radio host, novelist. He's also been churning out poems for the past 50 years, but by his own admission, the designation of "proper professional poet" has been late in coming.This oversight will surely be corrected by James's latest poetry collection, "Opal Sunset." Part anthology of his best, part showcase for his new verse, the book displays the same formidable erudition and giddy love of pop culture that...
