Daniel Klaidman

The Fall of a General

David Petraeus subdued Iraq, steered the course for exit in Afghanistan, and is one of the most decorated generals of his generation. So why was he no match for his biographer?

Fortunate One

Sure, Obama's lucky. He also relentlessly seizes his chances and makes every one of them count.

Obama's Secret Army

At a time when many Americans think their government is inept, the 'Special Operators' get the job done. Just ask the President, who is doubling down on the Navy SEALs.

Remembering Rosty

The setting, a legendary Chicago steakhouse, was pure Rosty. I'd imagined him striding through the restaurant, pushing past the favor-seekers and acolytes, stopping to schmooze impressed diners. But it was a much-diminished Dan Rostenkowski who'd recently emerged from 13 months in the federal penitentiary.
