July 15, 2016 Issue

Cover story World
Efraim Zuroff has spent four decades doggedly chasing Holocaust criminals, but when his pursuit led him to Lithuania, the fight got personal.

Turkey's Ugly War on Free Speech

Since Erdogan's presidency began, state prosecutors have launched 1,845 lawsuits against Turkish citizens, many of them journalists, for insulting the president of Turkey.
In Focus

Old Girls’ Club

Cincinnati—Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hugs Elizabeth Warren after they spoke together at a rally on June 27. These days, the two most high-profile women in politics look a lot like teammates. Not only has the Massachusetts senator proved effective at attacking Clinton’s presumed opponent, Donald Trump, but some say Warren, a darling of the left, could help sway holdouts for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Despite her past criticism of Clinton, Warren seems to want the job. But some question whether the country is ready for a two-woman ticket—and whether Clinton is willing to take that risk.
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Brexit shows the European Union needs to reject 'ever closer union' and become more democratic to save the grand European project.