February 13, 2015 Issue

Cover story U.S.
Sex trafficking flourishes where men work in isolation; lately, that's meant even the dark corners of America's farms.

Brain, Heal Thyself

The search for a cure for multiple sclerosis has heated up as a generation of baby boomers start heading for big trouble
In Focus

On the Brink

Najin, a female northern white rhinoceros, comes within a few feet of a park ranger at the Ol Pejeta conservancy in Kenya, where conservationists are trying desperately to save this sub-species from extinction. There are now only five left in the world, of which three live at Ol Pejeta after moving from a zoo to the reserve in 2009. A total of 1,215 rhinos in South Africa were poached last year, their horns fetching prices that continue to rise.
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