July 25, 2014 Issue

Cover story U.S.
The U.S. military is supposed to protect this country's citizens and soldiers, not poison them

Welcome to the German Century

Its football team is the toast of the world, and Germany's political, cultural and environmental credentials suggest the future is striped black, red and yellow.

The Teen-Killer Whisperer

Phil Chalmers says he's America's leading juvenile homicide expert, and that his work has helped avert numerous school shootings
In Focus

Tragic Return

Chiantla, Guatemala—Francisco Ramos is comforted by friends and family as he breaks down during the funeral for his teenage son Gilberto Francisco Ramos Juarez, who was found dead last June in the Rio Grande Valley of southern Texas, less than a mile from the U.S.-Mexico border. An autopsy revealed no signs of trauma, and authorities believe Ramos Juarez, 15, died of heatstroke after entering the United States. Among the few possessions found on the boy were a rosary and a belt on which he had scribbled the number of his brother in Chicago. Juarez headed north to earn money to pay for his mother's medicine, according to family members in Guatemala, where workers earn about $3.50 a day. “He left because of poverty,” said his uncle Catarino Ramos.
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Aria Code

Young opera stars are gravitating to small cities in Germany, where a third of the world's performances are held

East End Elegy

The arrival of the Kardashian clan in the Hamptons portends nothing good for one of America's most exclusive summer communities