July 11, 2014 Issue

Cover story Science
One third of man-made CO2 emissions are absorbed by the oceans, causing the fastest change in their chemistry in 300m years.
In Focus

Lobby This

Washington, D.C.—An abortion and contraceptive rights supporter shoves his poster in the face of an unfazed anti-abortion activist holding a sign that reads, “I am the Pro-Life Generation,” outside the U.S. Supreme Court after the Hobby Lobby verdict June 30. In a 5–4 opinion, SCOTUS ruled in favor of the craft store chain’s religious objections to providing contraceptives at no cost to employees, as mandated by the Affordable Care Act. “Protecting the free exercise rights of corporations like Hobby Lobby…protects the religious liberty of the humans who own and control those companies,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote.
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Zero Hour

As they wage their brutal war, ISIS is expected to take aim at 'the Baghdad Belt'

The Death of the Oceans

One third of man-made CO2 emissions are absorbed by the oceans, causing the fastest change in their chemistry in 300m years

Thin Izzy

Sometimes cross-dresser, often stand-up comedian Eddie Izzard on drastic weight loss and the paucity of wise Nazis