Video Showing Why You Should Always Carry Dog First Aid on Walks Goes Viral

Ahead of a dog walk, it is important to pack a lead, and disposable bags for obvious reasons, but there's one other thing many people may not even consider.

A TikTok video shared to @picklepod_adventures has racked up more than 1.7 million views and says why owners should bring a dog-friendly medical kit with them, too.

An owner recorded the moment Indy, a rescue Podenco, stepped on stinging nettles and instantly had a reaction. The footage shows a closeup of the bumps that appeared on her leg that prevented her from walking properly.

Fortunately, the medical kit had antihistamines within it, and 20 minutes later, the dog was running along the beach as if nothing had even happened.

So far, the clip shared on March 25 has amassed over 86,400 likes and more than 280 comments.

One user wrote: "My worse fear is this happening at the peak of a hike, and I would have to carry my 80 lb dog down an x amount of miles back to the car."

Another posted: "I swear our doggie first aid kit sees more action than our human one."

"Can dogs have our antihistamines?" asked one user.

It turns out they can, but owners must know the correct dose to administer. The VCA animal hospital chain recommends consulting a veterinary healthcare professional before giving any over-the-counter (OTC) medications to your dog.

Dog banage
Hands apply bandage on a wounded paw. A dog owner has shared the reason why she always brings a doggy first aid kit on walks. Photoboyko/iStock/Getty Images Plus

"Antihistamines are usually safe but can make some dogs drowsy and others hyperactive. OTC antihistamine preparations may contain other ingredients such as decongestants that are not safe for dogs. Read the label carefully to ensure that the product only contains antihistamine," says the VCA website.

The owner has since posted an additional video to exhibit the contents of the bag, which include a foil blanket for maintaining warmth; assorted bandages for treating injuries; and plasters suited for difficult-to-bandage areas like ears. The kit also contains a tick removal instrument, scissors for cutting tape, tweezers for extracting thorns and grass seeds, gloves, sterile solution for cleansing eyes and wounds, antiseptic wipes, and durable scissors designed to cut through a collar if it becomes snagged on something.

In an ideal world, a dog walk would always be leisurely, but unfortunately there are all sorts of dangers that come with the great outdoors for them. This may include other dogs, toxic plants and even parasites.

Dr. Christian Broadhurst, senior staff veterinarian at Clay Humane in Florida, previously told Newsweek about the importance of washing your dogs paws after a walk.

He said: "As dogs walk through the environment, they often come into contact with plants that they are allergic to, like grasses or weeds. These cause the paws to become irritated, making them lick their paws clean.

"This leaves the paws moist, which can result in further dermatitis, and at the same time, the dog is ingesting the allergens they were reacting to, generating a generalized allergic reaction. Wiping the paws after a walk will minimize this problem," Broadhurst added.

Newsweek reached out to @picklepod_adventures for comment via TikTok. We could not verify the details of the case.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? We want to see the best ones! Send them in to and they could appear on our site.

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About the writer

Lucy Notarantonio is Newsweek's Senior Lifestyle and Trends Reporter, based in Birmingham, UK. Her focus is trending stories and human ... Read more

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