Morning Mix: The Day We Sort Of Missed Kevin Federline

  • The New York Times Is Shocked That People Actually Saw Kevin James' New Movie. "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" was the runaway box-office winner over the four-day weekend, earning $39 million and stunning other recent comedic releases like "Yes Man" ($18.2 mil). Or, as the Times put it: "Prolonging the biggest inaugural weekend surprise since William Henry Harrison declined to wear an overcoat, the underdog comedy "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" (Sony Pictures) continued to dominate the box office on the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday." Merciful heavens! [New York Times]
  • Ad Spots Will Stay Upbeat on Feb. 1. Even though the world is dark and depressing right now, ads during the Super Bowl will still try to tickle, execs say. And it's new-age slogan on new-age slogan for the beverage industry: Pepsi has securing a slew of ad spots in the first half to shill it's new "Refresh Everything" tag line, while Coke will take the second half with "Open Happiness." Somehow, it's hard to believe another classic "Federline! Fries!" moment will emerge from that duel. [USA Today]
  • Cher Makes a 'Jackass' of Herself. Cher and Johnny Knoxville. To be co-billed. As romantic interests in a new movie called "The Drop-Out." He, a 35-year-old college student kicked out by his parents and looking for a place to crash. She, his 62-year-old cougar neighbor and willing... roommate. Ugh, there goes our breakfast. [Hollywood Reporter]

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