Man Diagnosed With Tumor After Boss Pulls Him Up for 'Strange' Behavior

A trainee teacher diagnosed with a brain tumor says his boss saved his life—by calling out his poor timekeeping and "strange" behavior.

Matt Schlag, 43, first realized something was wrong when he was studying to become a primary school teacher and developed migraines.

His boss at the GORSE Academies Trust in Leeds, in the north of England, told him he was behaving "strangely", and was often behind schedule at work. His employer also noticed he would be confused mid-conversation and was even getting lost around the school.

Schlag visited the hospital and was diagnosed with an anaplastic astrocytoma brain tumor in October 2019—and says his boss saved his life.

Matt Schlag
Matt Schlag poses with his family in an undated photo. Schlag was diagnosed with a brain tumor and says his boss saved his life—after calling out his poor timekeeping and ‘strange’ behavior. SWNS/Zenger/Simon Galloway

He is now working with the charity Brain Tumor Research to raise awareness of the disease. Schlag, a father of two, said: "I kept on getting really awful migraines every other day. They were really intense, and I was also getting lost in conversations and forgetting my words, it was really weird.

"My boss said "you need to get this properly checked out because you're behaving strangely," as my timekeeping had become so poor and I was getting lost not only in conversations, but also around the school building itself.

"I was away with the fairies and I wasn't my usual eloquent self. I was awkward in conversation and I wasn't really engaging with people like I usually would. My boss was instrumental in helping me deal with the situation and getting me sorted out as I wasn't capable at the time. His intervention saved my life."

In October 2019, Schlag, who is married to Louise, 36, went to the Accident and Emergency facility at Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) and "insisted" he have a scan.

Schlag said: "The scan showed that there was something on my brain. This came as a massive shock to me and my family.

Brain tumor
Matt Schlag poses with his wife, Louise, in an undated photo. Schlag said he had become awkward in conversation, prior to his diagnosis. Simon Galloway/SWNS/Zenger

"Three days later, which happened to be my daughter's second birthday, I underwent surgery. The operation went well, and I was so elated that when I woke up, I was singing "Acqua Azzurra, Acqua Chiara" [by Lucio Battisti] in Italian. I don't know if it was the drugs I was on, but I just felt so happy because I'm fluent in Italian, and this meant that I hadn't lost my language skills completely."

Schlag underwent 3 months of radiotherapy and 12 months of chemotherapy. In August 2020, a check-up scan showed his tumor had grown again.

He said: "I thought "not this again" because Louise and I had celebrated with champagne, thinking that I had beaten this and that we could draw a line under it."

Schlag had a second operation on September 13, 2020, followed by 6 months of chemotherapy. Now, Schlag will take on a 55-mile London to Brighton cycle ride on September 11 with his friends Chris Lumb, 44, and Chris Keithley, 43, to raise money for the charity Brain Tumor Research.

He said: "I just wanted to make something positive out of what's happened. It's so important to raise money to help find a cure because, until a cure is found, there's always the worry that the tumor can come back again."

Matthew Price, community development manager at Brain Tumor Research, said: "We're really grateful to Matt and his two friends for taking on this challenge, as it's only with the support of people like them that we're able to progress our research into brain tumors and improve the outcome for patients like Matt who are forced to fight this awful disease.

"Brain tumors are indiscriminate. They can affect anyone at any time. Too little is known about the causes and that is why increased investment in research is vital."

Matt Schlag
Matt Schlag poses with his family in an undated photo. Schlag had a second operation on September 13, 2020, followed by six months of chemotherapy. Simon Galloway/SWNS/Zenger

Brain Tumor Research funds sustainable research at dedicated centers in the U.K. It also campaigns for the government and the larger cancer charities to invest more in research into brain tumors to speed up new treatments for patients and, ultimately, to find a cure.

The charity is the driving force behind the call for a national annual spend of $42 million in order to improve survival rates and patient outcomes in line with other cancers such as breast cancer and leukemia and is also campaigning for greater repurposing of drugs.

Produced in association with SWNS.

This story was provided to Newsweek by Zenger News.

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