Lauren Boebert Faces $5,000 Fine After Setting off Capitol Metal Detector

Pro-gun Republican lawmaker Lauren Boebert allegedly set off a metal detector and refused to comply with U.S. Capitol Police Thursday, according to reports.

The newly elected Colorado congresswoman, an ardent support of former President Donald Trump who campaigned on a conservative platform that included fierce opposition to gun control, could face a $5,000 fine if found to have flouted new security rules implemented in the wake of the Capitol riots.

Shortly before 9 p.m. on Thursday, Florida Republican Matt Gaetz tweeted: "They're trying to disarm @laurenboebert on the floor of the House of Representatives because, ultimately, they're coming to disarm many, many more."

Journalist Hugo Lovell tweeted: "House Republican Lauren Boebert now sets off the metal detector and refuses to comply with US Capitol Police, waking into the chamber [sic].

"USCP not making a big deal but $5,000 fine comes out of member's pay."

NBC News correspondent Garrett Haake also reported that Boebert set off a metal detector, along with Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ).

"GOP @RepAndyBiggsAZ just set off the mags outside the house chamber. Refused to be wanded and just blew past the Capitol Police officer into the chamber.

"Likewise @laurenboebert - straight into the chamber after setting off mags. Cap police aren't making a big deal about it, but members know they'll be fined $5k," he said.

In a tweet later on Thursday evening replying to Gaetz, Boebert wrote: "If Members of Congress won't take a stand for our Constitutional rights in DC, you can bet they won't take a stand back at home either."

Newsweek contacted Boebert's team and the USCP for comment.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced earlier this month that lawmakers would be fined if they refused to go through metal detectors to enter the House chamber after an angry mob of extremists supporting Trump's false claims that the presidential election was "stolen" stormed the building.

A first offense will result in $5,000 deducted from a lawmaker's Congressional pay, while a second offense comes with a $10,000 fine.

In a separate incident on January 13, Boebert allegedly refused to have her bag searched when passing through metal detectors placed at the entrance to the House floor.

Several other GOP lawmakers have been accused of flouting the new rules.

GOP Representatives Louie Gohmert and Van Taylor from Texas, Steve Stivers from Ohio, Debbie Lesko from Arizona and Larry Bucshon from Indiana were among those who allegedly either refused to comply with the screening or vocally protested against its implementation, NBC News reported.

Although members of Congress and aides are legally allowed to carry weapons on Capitol grounds, House rules prohibit them being taken inside the chamber.

Lauren Boebert Republican
Lauren Boebert addresses supporters during a campaign rally in Colona, Colorado on October 10, 2020. Boebert's meteoric rise into politics began in September 2019 when she confronted US Democratic presidential candidate Beto ORourke at a... Getty Images/JASON CONNOLLY/AFP

Boebert, owner of Shooters Grill, a restaurant that made headlines for letting staff openly carry weapons as they serve customers, has pushed for congressional staff to be permitted to carry a gun in the Capitol.

After Pelosi's metal detector measure was announced, Boebert tweeted that lawmakers "were not in need of more metal detectors when we were locked in the Chambers" during the Capitol riots.

In a video released by the Colorado congresswoman on January 3, she was seen placing her Glock pistol in a concealed holster underneath her jacket.

Boebert was then shown walking down a city sidewalk, stating that even though she worked "in one of the most liberal cities in America, I refuse to give up my rights, especially my Second Amendment rights."

Update 1/22/21, 11:20 a.m. ET: This article was updated to include a note that comment was requested from Capitol Police and further details about a reported incident involving Boebert on January 13.

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