Jared Kushner Shocked by Child Migrant Detention Costs, New Book Says: 'Might as Well Put Them Up at the Four Seasons'

Jared Kushner child migrants four seasons
Jared Kushner attends a ceremony in the Diplomatic Reception Room at the White House in Washington, D.C., March 25, 2019. SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

A new book detailing Congress in the age of President Donald Trump is the latest to publish scathing accounts of incompetence and insensitivity by Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner.

The Hill to Die On, written by longtime congressional reporters Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer of Politico, details the behind-the-scenes—and at times very public—chaos in the relationship between the White House and Capitol Hill from Election Day 2016 through Febru­ary 2019. It is scheduled for release next Tuesday.

According to a preview in The Washington Post, some of the book's more shocking revelations regard Kushner, and paint the 38-year-old as ambitious, naive and callous.

At one point in the book, for example, the authors record negotiations over the recent federal shutdown. The government closure, which became the longest in U.S. history, was precipitated by a funding dispute over Trump's contentious border wall.

Sherman and Palmer write that Kushner was shocked by "the fact that it costs the government $750 per day to keep an undocumented child in the United States." He reportedly joked, "They might as well put them up at the Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown."

The book also recounts discussions Kushner had with then-House Speaker Paul Ryan before the 2016 election. Kushner reportedly dismissed congressional committees as "inefficient," despite the fact they were the incubators for most legislation. "We'll get to that later," he reportedly told Ryan's aides. According to Sherman and Palmer, Kushner gave the impression "he wanted to—and believed he could—single-handedly rewrite Congress's 200-year-old rules."

The Post quoted a person close to Kushner who dismissed the story as "nonsense," and said Kusher had "immense respect for the workings of the government and in no way would make a statement of that sort."

Kushner's representatives did not immediately respond to Newsweek's request for comment.

The Hill to Die On is the latest book to divulge embarrassing information about Kushner. Kushner Inc. by journalist Vicky Ward, released last month, described Kushner and wife, Ivanka Trump, as keen on breaking protocol and using their influence with the president to further their own ambitions and encourage some of his worst instincts.

The power couple have outlasted many of their administration rivals, despite reports that the president at times wished for them to be pushed out of the White House. Ward reported that the couple tried to exert control over the State Department and decide who could travel on government-funded trips.

Ivanka, for example, reportedly filed inappropriate requests to travel on Air Force planes. The couple would, according to Ward's account, invite Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on trips to secure access to aircraft—and sidestep former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's efforts to stop them.

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About the writer

David Brennan is Newsweek's Diplomatic Correspondent covering world politics and conflicts from London with a focus on NATO, the European ... Read more

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