Size Difference Between Labrador and Chihuahua's Paw Shocks Internet

A dog owner has shared the shocking size difference between the paw of her Chihuahua and that of a Labrador, surprising TikTok users.

Kelly Beasley (@wheresgizzie) was walking along the Houda Point Beach in Trinidad, California, with her dog Gizzie when she spotted some Labrador paw-prints in the sand. Out of curiosity, she decided to compare their size with her 12-year-old Chihuahua Gizzie's paws—and was astounded by the difference. "She was insulted I even wanted to compare," the 50-year-old blogger told Newsweek.

Owner Beasley holding Gizzie the Chihuhua
From left: Gizzie the Chihuahua held by her owner Beasley; and the dog's paw next to the print of the Labrador. Gizzie weighs only 2.4 pounds and is roughly the size of a soda can.... @wheresgizzie

Apparently, Gizzie is not a fan of big dogs. This is unsurprising, since the Chihuahua weighs only 2.4 pounds and is "just a little bigger than a soda can."

"So many dogs have approached her 'unkindly' or 'rudely'—often just way too excited," Beasley said. "She now goes on the automatic defense when one comes around, so I keep dogs away from her unless I know them."

Beasley discovered Gizzie while volunteering at the Alaqua Animal Refuge in Florida. The Chihuahua was surrendered as part of a hoarding case, and Beasley knew immediately that Gizzie was meant to be hers. She said almost "every single person who sees" her dog comments on her small size.

Gizzie the 12-year-old Chihuahua
Gizzie the Chihuahua on the beach. Beasley adopted the 12-year-old while volunteering at an animal shelter in Florida. @wheresgizzie

"Like, I automatically know what they are going to say whether it's to me or under their breath," Beasley said. "It's almost a given."

In the clip shared to TikTok on June 25, Beasley gently places Gizzie's foot inside the giant paw print left on the sand. The Chihuahua's tiny paw is barely the size of the Labrador's palm, with Gizzie looking thoroughly unimpressed by the activity.

Labradors can reach 24.5 inches in height and weigh up to 80 pounds, depending on their gender, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). In comparison, Chihuahuas are usually between 5 and 8 inches tall and rarely weigh more than 6 pounds.

However, Chihuahuas make up for their small stature with large personalities. Known for being high-energy and vocal dogs, the AKC describes the breed as loyal and charming with heaps of attitude.

Gizzie the Chihuahua sticking her tongue out
Gizzie the Chihuahua sticking her tongue out. The dog may be small in size, but she has a big personality. @wheresgizzie

The funny footage of Gizzie's paw comparison quickly went viral, receiving over 112,000 views and almost 20,000 likes. "She so wittle," commented AHHHHHH, while Jayne wrote: "Oh that little paw."

"She is a delicate flower," posted Mama D, while Jayne added: "[A] precious lil bean."

"She's like 'mom, I know I'm small. Why did you downgrade me further like that,'" wrote KIKIRe1993.

"Giz is a queen and uncomparable," commented Tin_Man_. "She is a giant in her heart!" posted Michael Weir.

"Gizzy saying ya you better run," wrote Johnny. "Labs don't got nothing on me."

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? We want to see the best ones! Send them in to and they could appear on our site.

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About the writer

Sophie is a Newsweek Pop Culture and Entertainment Reporter based in Lincoln, UK. Her focus is reporting on film and ... Read more

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