William Underhill

Trouble For The Tories

Whatever happened to David Cameron? Just a few weeks ago the Conservative leader looked set to lead his party to an overwhelming victory in the British elections due next year.

Why Being Green Can Be Good for Business

Can business save the planet? Champions of an environmental New Deal have often cast the corporation as the enemy in the struggle against global warming. But the more than 800 corporate leaders who've signed the -Copenhagen Communiqué on Climate Change argue the opposite line: the business community wants—and needs—an ambitious global agreement that will spur the creation of a low-carbon economy.

Tony Blair for European President

As Britain's prime minister, Tony Blair made plenty of enemies in Europe. Back in 2003, he broke ranks by siding with America over the Iraq War. And despite his avowed enthusiasm for the EU, he showed little practical commitment to closer integration.

Making a Less Malevolent Mosquito

Aedes Aegypti is a tricky enemy with a dangerous weakness for travel. Unlike other mosquitoes, it can survive the cold and thrives on city life. The increase of international trade and the accelerating pace of urbanization have broadened its horizon with grim consequences.

France Scores Big In Iraq Contracts

America may yet win the war in Iraq, but France, which bitterly opposed the war, looks set to win the contracts. Foreign investment in Iraq rose 1,500 percent as stability returned last year, but U.S. firms are "negligible players," says a report from Dunia Frontier Consultants of Dubai.
