Weston Kosova

The True Cost Of War

For American soldiers stationed in Iraq, one of the few comforts of this war is how easily they can keep in touch with family back home. Many service members call their spouses and kids several times a week and e-mail daily, reassuring them that they are all right.

The Point of No Return

Gary Ackerman is the last man you'd expect George W. Bush to turn to for advice. Just elected to his 13th term in the House, the New York Democrat thinks the president's handling of the Iraq war has been "totally inept." So Ackerman was a bit surprised when Bush invited him and other members of Congress to the White House last Wednesday morning, just hours after the long-awaited Baker-Hamilton report was released.

How Low Can You Go?

To those who worried our violent, sex-obsessed, celebrity-crazed culture had at last reached the very farthest depths of depravity, O. J. Simpson and Judith Regan come bearing news: we had so much farther to fall.

But What Does It Mean?

Welcome to the day after. The people have spoken. And so—at impressive length—have the anchors and spinners and "commentators." So now you wonder: What Does It All Mean?  The morning newspapers—and the  Democrats themselves—maintain that the election represents "a decisive turning of the tide" for the Democrats and "a stunning reversal of fortune" for the president.

Hillary Clinton Is A Good For Nothing Liberal, And I'm Happy To Say We Work Very Well Together

Rick Santorum once dreamed of being president. Now, the Pennsylvania Republican is struggling just to hang on to his Senate seat. Never one to keep his thoughts to himself--you'll recall his concerns about gay marriage leading to "man on dog" matrimony--Santorum has a talent for the disparaging remark, often aimed at his Democratic Senate colleagues.


For seven years, Jason DeParle, a senior writer for The New York Times, followed three welfare mothers, Angie Jobe, Jewell Reed and Opal Caples, as they struggled to make ends meet and keep their families together. "American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation's Drive to End Welfare" opens in 1991, just after the women, who are cousins, move from Chicago to Milwaukee in search of cheaper rent and more generous government checks.


Get ready for the real fight. Yes, the campaign was bitter and nasty, but with George W. Bush returning to the White House for a second term, another epic battle is already underway--inside the Democratic Party.


No Voter Left Behind Unless you live in Texas, say, or Vermont, you've probably opened the front door to find a cheerful campaign worker imploring you to vote, and vote early.


It's just about impossible to stop Claude Hawkins from voting. The 24-year-old supply store clerk from Kansas City, Mo., was so enthusiastic about this year's election that he registered to vote three times, just to make sure his application wasn't lost.

The Incredible W

Some days a guy can feel he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders. For George W. Bush it's every day. What with the menacing enemies he's got in Iraq, Afghanistan--France--not to mention a groggy economy and a nasty re-election fight, you'd think those jogging-scarred knees might just start to buckle.


THE REAL BATTLEGROUND STATE The mother of all campaign issues. Though Kerry voted in favor of the war in Iraq, he as been very critical of the way Bush has handled it, saying the president overstated the intelligence, alienated the rest of the world and failed to prepare for the bloody aftermath.
