Melinda Liu

The 'Buy China' Movement

When Congress included a "Buy American" clause in the $787 billion stimulus package, mandating the use of U.S.-made iron and steel in stimulus-funded projects, critics decried it as dangerous protectionism.

Could China Play a Role in Afghanistan?

Is Beijing, which is famously allergic to intervention, about to get involved in Afghanistan? It sounds crazy, yet there are intriguing signs. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently floated the notion at a talk at the Council on Foreign Relations, calling it a "possibility for the future."Chinese Foreign Ministry official Qin Gang quickly rebuffed the notion last week, saying that except for United Nations' peacekeeping operations, "China never sends troops abroad," and that "media...

Chinese Dissident Fingered For Nobel Peace Prize

The Nobel Foundation has been known to pick dark-horse candidates to drive home an ideological point (see Al Gore). How intriguing, then, that the Oslo-based International Peace Research Institute is fingering Chinese activist Hu Jia as a front runner for this year's Peace Prize.To hand China's first Peace Prize to a little-known dissident would be a rebuke to its leaders, who tout themselves as stewards of China's "peaceful rise" to great power status.

The Legacy of Beijing's Olympic Games

By now, it's clear that both Chinese and visitors alike reveled in the 2008 Games, even many skeptics. The merry national atmosphere is quite different from the mood before Aug. 8, when officials worried about polluted air, terror attacks, even the performance of high-profile athletes like hurdler Liu Xiang.

Database for the Dead

With 18,000 still missing after China's quake, Beijing is organizing a massive campaign to log corpses and establish a DNA database that will help survivors learn the fate of disappeared relatives.The work holds none of the glitz of America's "CSI" television series, which portrays forensics as a glamorous job.
