Lisa Miller

Pro-Choice Evangelicals?

Adam Hamilton does not call himself "pro-choice." He prefers "pro-life with a heavy heart." What that means, as he explains in his new book "Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White," is that he believes abortion should be available and legal, that there are instances in which it might be necessary and that those instances should be very rare.

It's Not Her. It's That Marriage.

I tried to watch John McCain as he made his victory speech last week, but really, I couldn't take my eyes off his wife. So thin, so blond, so beautiful in her swept-up hairdo—my husband, slouched on the couch next to me, muttered something along the lines of, "She is not ugly." I had to agree.

Q&A: Chuck Colson on Faith

Recent popular books by atheist authors have spawned a new generation of Christian apologists. The latest rebuttal is "The Faith: What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It and Why It Matters," by Chuck Colson, the convicted Watergate felon turned prison reformer.

Can Catholics Root for Rudy?

Rudy Giuliani has a Catholic problem and it's not, strangely enough, that he was raised as a Roman Catholic, considered becoming a priest, then dumped his second of three wives on television and has been photographed in a dress.

Beliefwatch: Heavenly

It isn't every day that a Christian book--that is, a book written by a Christian author for a Christian audience and marketed by a Christian publisher--crosses over into the secular market and makes any kind of appearance on best-seller lists or gets noticed by the mainstream press.

Beliefwatch: Slaughter

The ancient Jews did it. So did the Romans and the Aztecs. Sacrificing an animal to please or placate God or the gods has been commonplace for many thousands of years.

Beliefwatch: Profane

Some stories are best told straight. On Sept. 8, Kathy Griffin, a bawdy, foulmouthed comedian, accepted an Emmy Award for her reality show, "My Life on the D-List," and in her acceptance speech she explained that while other actors might thank Jesus for such an honor, she wouldn't consider it. "Suck it, Jesus," she exuberantly added, waving her statuette in the air. "This award is my God, now."Outrage from Christian groups predictably followed, led (also predictably) by William Donohue of the...
