Katie Connolly

Poll Suggests GOPers Are Edging Toward the Extreme

The results of a new poll of Republican views posted on Daily Kos today are creating quite a stir. As they should—the results are astonishing. The poll found that 63 percent of Republicans think President Obama is a socialist; 36 percent don't think Obama was born in the United States; 31 percent think that he is a racist who hates white people (yikes!); and 39 percent think he should be impeached, among other things. (They also have worrying views on sex education, gays, and contraception.)...

Obama Does 'Question Time.' It Rocked.

As many regular Gaggle readers know, I grew up in Australia. One of my favorite parts of political culture there is Question Time, where the prime minister stands before the House of Representatives and takes whatever questions they dare throw at him. (I say "him" because there's never been a female P.M.) It's boisterous, it's feisty, it's full of blunt accusations, smart quips, and, believe it or not, reasoned explanations for policy decisions.

John Edwards Comes Clean

After repeatedly denying both his affair and fathering a child with former campaign videographer Rielle Hunter (is anyone else wondering whether the videos will ever surface—or perhaps hoping desperately they won't?), John Edwards has finally admitted his paternity of 2-year-old Frances Quinn Hunter in a written statement.

One Year Into the Obama Administration, Change Hasn't Been Too Fast

Speaking about Scott Brown's impressive win in Massachusetts, RNC Chair Michael Steele told Good Morning America today that "people across the country are saying, 'Slow it down.' " That seems to be the emerging CW from last night's results: that Democrats have been too ambitious, their plans too colossal, and independents have been repelled by the magnitude of change.

Time For Obama's "Enough" Moment

When I was a little kid, I was pretty good. I didn't cause much trouble. But every now and then my sister and I would act up at the dinner table. If we got too unruly, my dad would look across the table and state emphatically, in his sternest voice, "Enough!" Within in nanosecond we'd behave ourselves again.
