Jonathan Darman

Fight To The Finish

Candidates for the November elections usually campaign flat-out in the week after Labor Day. Jim Webb, Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate from Virginia, took off to hang out with a bunch of 20-year-olds on a Marine base in North Carolina, to drink beer, make small talk and wait.

New Orleans Blues

Ray Nagin, the mayor of New Orleans, had been avoiding a group of particularly determined--and strident--community activists who were after him to do more to rebuild the Lower Ninth Ward, a working-class, predominantly black area that was wiped out by Hurricane Katrina.

Campaign 2006: A Hawk Stays Aloft

Joe Lieberman awoke last Wednesday with few prospects and no party. He'd lost the Democratic primary for his own Senate seat to challenger Ned Lamont and the army of "Netroots" Internet activists who'd hammered Lieberman's stubborn defense of the Iraq war.

Politics: Will Tennessee Swing?

After a bitter primary, Tennessee Republicans chose former Chattanooga mayor Bob Corker as their U.S. Senate candidate. But on the eve of the decisive day, it was the virtually unopposed Democrat who couldn't sleep. "I was up all night," says Harold Ford Jr., the young congressman campaigning to be the South's first black senator since Reconstruction. "Elections are like Christmas morning for me."This summertime Christmas brought Ford an unwelcome gift: a strong foe with crossover appeal and a...

One Hug at a Time

It's friday night in iowa and an old politician is trying some new tricks. John Edwards is back--back, with the familiar deep drawl, dark tan and honeyed hair.

The War's Left Front

Markos Moulitsas Zuniga is sitting on his back porch in Berkeley, Calif., listening to the hummingbirds and explaining his plans to seize control of the Democratic Party.

An Inconvenient Woman

She witnessed the resurrection, then vanished, leaving popes and painters and now 'The Da Vinci Code' to tell her story. In search of the real Mary Magdalene.

'I Know What I Should Do'

Immigration is a signature topic for CNN anchor Lou Dobbs. Night after night, he takes to the airwaves and preaches against the Bush administration, taking sharp issue with its border-security policy and its guest-worker plan for illegal aliens.

The Wrath of Oprah

Oprah Winfrey was in no mood for applause. As she walked onto the Chicago set of her talk show last Thursday, she was greeted with a thunderous, almost giddy ovation. "OK, everybody sit down," she said curtly and went quickly to her work.

Getting to Know You

Stepping down from the podium at Samuel Alito's confirmation hearings yesterday, Christie Todd Whitman slipped quietly into the second row. Her work for the day was done: She'd introduced Alito, her fellow New Jerseyan, to the Senate Judiciary Committee and urged the committee to vote for his confirmation to the Supreme Court.

Candidates: Crisscrossing Paths

With no government salary or special stationery, former vice presidential candidates have only each other. As co-chairs of a Council on Foreign Relations task force on Russia, Jack Kemp, the Republican vice presidential candidate in 1996, and John Edwards, the Democratic candidate in 2004, have forged a friendship in the past six months--traveling halfway around the world, coauthoring an op-ed and appearing in public forums together. "It's probably raised some eyebrows among his friends and...

The Wages of War

Italy, late May 1944. The allied army advanced on Rome and suffered a brutal counterattack. Hunkered down near the beaches of Anzio, a 23-year-old Army private from Oak Ridge, Tenn., sent a despondent letter home. "Take a combination of fear, anger, hunger, thirst, exhaustion, loneliness, homesickness," Paul Curtis wrote to a younger brother who wanted to know about war, "and you might approach the feelings a fellow has." Nothing can ease his depression, not even the prospect that the war might...

Mild About Harriet

Harriet Miers is George W. Bush's kind of woman. She works ceaselessly, around the clock if necessary. She is a tomb of discretion. And she never, ever, says anything that might in the slightest way be construed as critical of George W.

Southern Comfort

Haley Barbour doesn't like to talk about Louisiana. As governor of Mississippi (the state, he's quick to note, that received Hurricane Katrina's most "grievous blow"), he has enough to worry about at home.

Do-It-Yourself News

And yet for all of its predictable pandering, Current TV did manage to deliver a major surprise when it debuted this summer: Gore's network was actually, well, kind of good.


When writing about their own bosses, career-minded media reporters tend to skip the backbiting details and let their competitors get the scoop. Yet last week, when Los Angeles Times editor John Carroll announced he would step down and be replaced by his deputy, Dean Baquet, the paper with the juiciest details was none other than the L.A.


Not just any viewer. "Open Exchange" broadcasts on Plum TV, the cable network that caters to the privileged folk of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard, Mass.; the Hamptons in New York and Vail, Colo.

TV Bites Back

You know that a group is powerful when it's willing to take on Paris Hilton. This week, cable news channels flooded their airwaves with clips of a commercial for the Carl's Jr.


Rao's, the legendary east Harlem Italian eatery, is more than a hundred blocks above Wall Street. But with a clientele that includes some of corporate America's leading lights, big business is never far away.


Ed Schultz comes from Bush country and looks like it. At 6 feet 2 and 250 pounds, his idea of the good life is eating wings, fishing for walleye and watching football on TV.
