John Avlon

Most Innovative Mayors in the U.S.

While Washington seems paralyzed by partisan bickering, America's mayors are busy putting ideas into action. City hall is increasingly a place for bold experimentation. Unlike Congress, there's no fiddling over the fiscal cliff or divisions into angry, ideological, debating societies. As communities climb out of the great recession, pragmatism is forcing innovation. Success requires strong leadership and a vision of politics as the art of what works.

Clooney's Not Kidding: Actor Adds 'Arrested Activist' to Credit Roll

George Clooney proved that his pet project—bringing political change to war-torn Sudan—isn't just a charity cause when he was arrested in Washington D.C. while protesting at the Sudanese Embassy. Clooney has made his case to high-powered individuals such as Bill Clinton. John Avlon exams how George Clooney is helping to bring change—and a hefty dose of hope—to Sudan.