Eve Conant

Hunger Strike Planned

It was what gay advocates and opponents to the military's law banning openly gay soldiers had been anxiously waiting: by early evening Thursday Congress was taking action to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. "The importance of this vote cannot be overstated – this is the beginning of the end of a shameful ban on open service by lesbian and gay troops that has weakened our national security," said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. "The stars are aligning to finally restore honor and...

Exclusive: Lt. Dan Choi Writes for NEWSWEEK on Why 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Compromise Is Not Acceptable

Last May, Iraq veteran Lt. Dan Choi publicly announced he was gay on The Rachel Maddow Show as a protest against the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. In an open letter released exclusively to NEWSWEEK, Choi says he opposes the deal to end the policy because it "does only half of what was promised."

Left and Right Unhappy with DADT Compromise

Conservative and family-values organizations have launched into what may be a desperate and doomed campaign to turn back a breakthrough compromise on repealing "don't ask, don't tell," which has kept gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military for some 17 years. The Obama administration has publicly approved the compromise, and lawmakers could vote on the repeal as early as this week. But criticism is also coming from some leading advocates of repeal.

Rand Paul's Conservative Supporters Stand Up—Kind Of

In examining Rand Paul's comments, in which he argues against key parts of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Washington Monthly's Steve Benen makes a valid suggestion: "In the larger context, I also suppose it's time to start asking Republican leaders across the country a straightforward question: 'Your party's Senate candidate in Kentucky has a problem with the Civil Rights Act.

Right Wing: Mosque at Ground Zero is a "Slap in the Face"

This Week in Conservative Media Plans for the construction of a mosque just two blocks from Ground Zero are prompting outrage in the blogosphere, but the emotional reaction appears to falling on deaf ears.  The Cordoba House project, according to CNN, calls for a 15-story community center that would include a performance-art center, gym, swimming pool, and a mosque.

Left Wing: When Gay Bashers Are Gay, Why Do People Just Mock and Turn Away?

This Week in Liberal and Progressive Media The delight could hardly be concealed in the coverage of Christian-right leader George Alan Rekers's 10-day European vacation with a "rent boy."  According to the Miami New Times, Rekers, a prominent antigay activist who cofounded the Family Research Council, arrived at Miami International Airport with a young male escort, and later insisted he had hired the man to help him with his baggage. "I had surgery.

Right Wing: NEWSWEEK's Guide to Conservative Talking Points on the Oil Spill

 The headline of a recent National Review Online editorial tells it simply: "Yes, Keep Drilling." Why? Here is a rundown of some conservative talking points on why Americans might want to drop the "drill, baby, drill" motto—it doesn't sound so good now—but should drill on anyway.Oil remains our most cost-effective source of transportation fuel. "Others already have observed, correctly, that the risks involved in drilling off the coast of the United States are small in proportion to those...
