Daniel Stone

The Senate's Crisis of Foresight?

New York Times scribe Tom Friedman is at it again, banging his drum for a sweeping climate bill. Except now, as the hour is nigh to harness the moment—a "perfect storm," as he calls it, of an environmental disaster, rising oil dependence, and growing tech competition overseas—the drumbeat is getting louder.

David Cameron Flies Commercial

It's true. The freshly elected British prime minister flew to Washington "slumming it in business class," as one stunned member of his press corps reported. It was a noticeable break of tradition for a British P.M. who—like most government heads—usually travels on his own plane. David Cameron and top aides were "spread out with nothing separating them from hoi polloi," wrote BBC correspondent James Landale. "At least those polloi who can afford business class."

The Party of Repeal

With financial reform, Republicans are expanding their list of things to repeal. That might bring in donations, but it simply won't happen.

Kagan's Path to the Bench

The White House was eager to proclaim this morning that Elena Kagan had passed her test. Late last week and over the weekend, at least 17 editorial boards around the country wrote glowingly of her credentials—excerpts of which administration officials sent around to reporters to drive the narrative in their favor.

Shell's View on the Future of Oil

Almost seven weeks after the Deepwater Horizon incident that has ravaged the Gulf and imperiled BP, other oil companies are beginning to feel the pinch of President Obama's six-month moratorium on drilling. No drilling means no revenues, but also no jobs for the thousands of rig employees drilling deepwater wells.

BYO Energy Bill

Capitol Hill is still oozing optimism that an energy bill is possible, even inevitable, within the next few months. Why? The gulf spill certainly helps sway opinion toward alternative fuels. As does the deepening oil dependence on unfriendly countries. But politically speaking, energy is the rare political issue with room for both parties to claim victory.

Will Arnold Be Back?

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proved that maybe he was cut out for politics. Now, his lame-duck status has everyone—including himself—wondering what he'll do next.
