Daniel Lyons

Is Facebook a Paradise for Scammers?

Every day tens of millions of people log on to Facebook, the popular social-network site, and spend time playing goofy online games. But watch out. Some people playing these games are getting fleeced by scammers, tricked into signing up for products and services they didn't want.

Nerdvana: Lookout Apple, here comes Windows 7

Apple is getting a lot of media and online love today, especially as rumors circulate about possible updates to the iPod and iTunes store. But until Steve Jobs and company actually unveil something at today's "It's Only Rock and Roll" media event, I'm going to save my loving for Windows 7, the next version of Microsoft's operating system. It ships Oct. 22, and the buzz is already building around this new OS, and rightfully so.

Think quick: Does the name Sennheiser ring a bell?

The name Sennheiser has become a bit of a litmus test. If you know the brand, and think highly of these expensive German headphones, you're probably a) over 40 years old; b) male; and c) a subscriber to Stereophile or The Absolute Sound with a home stereo system that costs tens of thousands of dollars.I must confess, I'm one of those people, except that my stereo resides at the low end of the high-end.

Publishers Take on the Keeper of the Kindle

Attention, would-be professional bloggers: Amazon now lets anyone create a blog and sell subscriptions to owners of its Kindle e-reader device. But Amazon sets the prices, and Amazon keeps 70 percent of the money.Digital media were supposed to be the greatest thing ever for writers and other creative types—or "content creators," as we're now known.
