Barrett Sheridan

Monopoly Comes to the App Store (and We're Not Talking About a Board Game)

Apple's next "magical" and "revolutionary" product? An iLegalDefenseTeam. According to the New York Post, the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission are negotiating over which of the two agencies will launch an antitrust inquiry against the company, now the third-largest in America (by market capitalization).

On Chatroulette, Even a Great Pianist Doesn't Impress

Last week the nebulae swirled, the interstellar dust motesaccreted, and a Web star was born: Merton, a.k.a. the Chatroulette piano-improvguy. First, for those of you living off the grid (or actually using their computer to, youknow, work), here's a little background: Chatroulette is the latest Webfad, a stripped-down site that randomly connects you and a stranger via Webcam.

2010 Prediction: The Year of the Paid Subscription

This year the Web turns 21. So it's somewhat ironic that 2010 will also be the year the place finally sobers up.Many of the startups and media sites that define the e-commerce ecosystem are, at long last, making serious plans to make serious money.  Hulu, the slick portal that picked up where TiVo left off in killing the idea of "appointment television," is the free site likeliest to begin charging in 2010.

Why Markets Aren't Efficient

Remember when everybody thought that markets were all-knowing? Before the financial crisis struck in late 2008, the reigning dogma in economics was the "efficient-markets hypothesis," an idea popularized by Eugene Fama that enjoyed exalted status for more than three decades.

The True Cost of Fixing the Climate

Despite the brouhaha over stolen e-mails from the University of East Anglia, the science of climate change is well enough established by now that we can move on to the essential question: what's the damage going to be?The total bill, if emissions are left unchecked, could reach 20 percent of annual per capita income, says Nicholas Stern, the British economist who led an influential Whitehall-sponsored study.

Paul Romer's Charter Cities

The secret to turning a poor nation into a rich one can't be found in a World Bank report. Rather, it comes from the British Empire. That's one way, at least, of interpreting U.S. economist Paul Romer's new plan for transforming economically backward countries such as Cuba into engines of growth.
