Andrew Romano

Biden Fires Up the Gaffe-o-Matic

[youtube:7rXyTRT-NZg] On the stump, Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden likes to say that John McCain is disconnected from ordinary Americans. But lately it seems like Biden is the one who's "out of touch"--at least with his own campaign.

The Filter: Sept. 23, 2008

A round-up of this morning's must-read stories.THE DEATH OF POLICY(Michael Gerson, via Politico Playbook)[I]t is President Bush and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, by proposing the massive government purchase of bad debt, who have assumed the mantle of Franklin D.

Cars for Concern?

[youtube:nKCkeF6LXVc] A lot was happening on the campaign trail yesterday. Barack Obama was stumping in Charlotte. John McCain was speaking in Baltimore.

How the Media's Real 'Bias' Works in McCain's Favor

[youtube:mYYHMKK7z30] Breaking news! The McCain campaign thinks the press is "a pro-Obama advocacy organization that every day attacks the McCain campaign, attacks Senator McCain, attacks Governor Palin, and excuses Senator Obama." Or at least that's what chief strategist Steve Schmidt told a bunch of reporters--I mean, "pro-Obama advocates"--on a conference call this morning.

McCain's Boomerang Problem

[youtube:fQ0cq4Nytu8] The only thing dumber than throwing a stone from your glass abode? Throwing a boomerang. Someone should tell John McCain. In presidential politics, negative attacks are pretty much par for the course.

DARMAN: Here They Go Again

As my NEWSWEEK colleague Jonathan Darman writes in the latest dead-tree mag, Rovean tactics alone do not win the Republican Party elections. This is a center-right country--and Democrats ignore that fact at their own peril.

The Filter: Sept. 22, 2008

A round-up of this morning's must-read stories. (FYI: I'm on the road right now, so I'll be getting a slightly later start on posting than usual. Thanks for reading, Andrew)POLICIES SOUND THE SAME, BUT GOALS ARE DIFFERENT (John Harwood, New York Times) The economic crisis has snapped voters' attention back to the alternative visions of Senators Barack Obama and John McCain, which sometimes sound the same, but are not...

Obama Fights Fire with Fire--Predictably Enough. That Whole "Postpartisan" Thing Was Never Going to Work Out, Was It?

[youtube:Ry9LnAazwMg] During the flight yesterday afternoon from Grand Rapids, Mich. to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Steve Schmidt, Mark Salter and Nicole Wallace pulled back the curtain--or two--separating business-class cabin of John McCain's Straight Talk Air from the traveling press corps' coach accommodations and spent some time talking to a small pool of reporters.

The Filter: Sept. 19, 2008

A round-up of this morning's must-read stories.WHY IT'S GETTING MEANPeggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal: Here is the tough, sad, rather deadly assumption I see rising among our media people, our thinkers, observers and chatterers, the highly sophisticated who've seen'em come and seen'em go: It is, again: What if neither of them is the right man?

Spain: Did McCain Know What He Was Talking About?

¡Ay, caramba! All of a sudden, John McCain has a problem with Spain. In an interview Monday with Radio Caracol WSUA 1260AM, a Spanish-language station from Miami, the Republican presidential nominee was asked whether he would "be willing to invite President Jose Luis Zapatero to the White House." This should have been an easy question for McCain to answer--because he's answered it before.

Why I'm Glad I'm Not Traveling with Joe Biden Today

(AP Photo / Gerald Herbert)From the pool report by Perry Bacon, Jr., of the Washington Post on Joe Biden's visit this morning to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio: [Biden] then approached the print pooler and said, "you look liked you played some, man." As the print pooler was saying 'no I didn't," the candidate moved closer, tapped his upper chest and said "you need to work on your pecs." Stumper hereby nominates Joe Biden as America's first Frat Boy in Chief.

Flaws? What Flaws?

[youtube:l0zJiWHqnfA] It's no secret that Barack Obama is confident. After all, he occasionally refers to himself in the third person. "Every place is Barack Obama country once Barack Obama's been there," he once said.

The Filter: Sept. 18, 2008

A round-up of this morning's must-read stories.CAMPAIGN TRAIL REPORTERS SIDELINED (Mike Allen, Politico) The flocks of campaign reporters who fly around the country with the presidential candidates have been more sidelined in the 2008 campaign than any in generations, sealed off from any meaningful access to either Sen.

The Obama-Biden Mind Meld?

[youtube:VRZVKE0cnK8] As regular Stumper readers probably know by now, I'm totally addicted to "Bidenisms." By that I don't mean the stupid stuff that seems to slip from the Delaware senator's mouth as at semiregular intervals--like when he said that Barack Obama was "clean and articulate" last February.

The Filter: Sept. 17, 2008

A round-up of this morning's must-read stories.CANDIDATES PROMISE BROAD CHANGES FOR WALL STREET (Nick Timiraos, Elizabeth Holmes and Michael M. Phillips, Wall Street Journal) The candidates, Republican Sen.

Where's Bill?

[youtube:4sKhtO6CoeM]With the market in meltdown mode--the "worst financial crisis since the Great Depression," say experts--and Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama still struggling to make his economic message heard above the daily din of campaign distractions, we here at Stumper headquarters have a simple question to ask:Whither Bill?
